Friday, February 02, 2007

Using what I have

A few weekends ago, I spent the better part of two days going through all my clothes. I opened and sorted through every piece of wearable fabric I own. What a huge job, but a real success.

I had just tons of clothes, but felt like I had nothing to wear. Every morning it was a depressing face-off between me and the closet and the closet normally won. I'm about the heaviest I have ever been (which is a whole 'nother topic) and also a pack rat. Finding an outfit each morning entailed looking at all the stuff I couldn't wear or didn't like. It is a poor way to start out the day.

So starting with my sock drawer (the easiest) I looked at everything. If something was worn out, dated or unappealing I put it in either the garbage or donate piles. What a mountain of clothes for Goodwill --- 5 lawnbags full. I also made a pile of "love it, but too small" that I've stored away for a while. This stored selection maybe a problem in the future, but I just couldn't bear to get rid of some of those items-- I really intend to lose some weight.

Mornings run smoother now that I can easily look at what is available in the closet. Everything fits me and is arranged by color, just like all those professional organizers recommend. I feel like I have new clothes because I found some great things hiding in the drawers.

I learned one thing the closet adventure which can be applied to the "use what I have" project. You have to know what you have before you really can use it.

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At 10:00 AM, Blogger ms. purity said...

Kudos to you for doing some spring cleaning and also donating to charity at the same time.

I should really do the same thing, as my closet and drawers are bursting at the seams with clothes I have somehow managed to keep (i.e refuse to give up) through all the various stages of my life....


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